Build your own custom React hook

React hooks are becoming ever so popular with developers looking for a scalable way to share logic across their application, without the bloat of HOCs or render props.

In this tutorial, we will create a React hook that is responsible for storing Net Promoter Score feedback. The hook won't be responsible for any UI, but the logic behind storing and sending the score to our provided function.


First of all, let's start by defining how we'd like to use our hook. Our React hook needs to meet the following requirements;

  • Tell me if I can submit a score or not
  • Tell me if I have submitted a score or not
  • Tell me the submitted score
  • Allow me to submit a score
  • Allow me to provide custom behaviour for onSubmit
  • Allow me to provide custom behaviour for onDismiss
  • Allow me to provide a default dismissed value

If we write some code to invoke our imaginary React hook, it should end up looking like this:

const [{ scored, score, dismissed }, { submit, dismiss }] = useNPS({
dismissed: true, // Default to false
onSubmit: (score) => alert(`Thanks for your score ${score}`),
onDismiss: ({ scored, score }) =>
alert(scored ? `Thanks again!` : `Maybe next time?`),

In the above we tick each of our requirements, now let's begin to explore actually writing the code that handles the logic here.

Creating the hook

We'll be using the new useState hook from React within our own hook, let's start by importing that and declaring our useNPS function.

import { useState } from "react";
function useNPS() {
// ...

Next let's invoke the useState hook to store our own state within useNPS.

function useNPS() {
const [dismissed, setDismissed] = useState(false);
const [score, setScore] = useState(undefined);

Both dismissed and score are vital to our useNPS function. Afterall, we're building a hook to capture NPS scores, we need to save that state!

As with any React hook, we need to return some values. We have the choice to return an object or array, I'm going to follow the [getter, setter] pattern for our hook and return what we need in an array, the first array object will contain our getter methods, while the second will contain our setter methods.

function useNPS() {
const [dismissed, setDismissed] = useState(false);
const [score, setScore] = useState(undefined);
return [{ score, dismissed }, {}];

Right now we don't have any setter methods, and we're missing a get method for scored which is important so we know if we have submitted our form. We can easily do this by checking if there is a truthy score value.

function useNPS() {
const [dismissed, setDismissed] = useState(false);
const [score, setScore] = useState(undefined);
const scored = !!score;
return [{ score, scored, dismissed }, {}];

We've now successfully completed and returned the three required getter methods; score, scored and dismissed.

Before we create our submit and dismiss methods, let's fix the initial value for dismissed. Back when we defined our useNPS function, we needed the ability to automatically set dissmised to true. This is useful if we don't want to show our form, our hook can control that behaviour.

Let's destructure dissmised from our useNPS params (and set it to false for a default value, and update the useState value.

function useNPS({ dismissed: defaultDismissed = false }) {
const [dismissed, setDismissed] = useState(defaultDismissed);
// ...

Since we already have the const dismised, we'll use defaultDismissed as a throwaway variable.

Now we're ready to create our submit and dismiss methods. First up, we need a way to update the score variable AND call our provided onSubmit function.

Inside of our useNPS function, create a new arrow function for submit, which takes in one argument score, this should call setScore with that value and if there is a onSubmit function provided, call it.

const submit = (score) => {
onSubmit && onSubmit(score);

Running this will cause an error, onSubmit is undefined. Let's fix that by destructuring from our useNPS arg object.

function useNPS({ dismissed: defaultDismissed = false, onSubmit }) {
// ...

This now means we can provide an onSubmit function to our React hook. This is useful if we wish to pass on the score to an API, analytics platform or other aggregator (like our GraphCMS project) to track.

Finally all that's left to do is return submit inside our hook.

function useNPS({ dismissed: defaultDismissed = false, onSubmit }) {
// ...
return [{ score, scored, dismissed }, { submit }];

Now let's move onto the dismiss function. It's almost identical to the submit function, but instead of returning just the score to onDismiss, we'll also provide the scored boolean, and return these both inside an object.

const dismiss = () => {
onDismiss && onDismiss({ scored, score });

Like we did previous, we'll destructure onDismiss from the useNPS args and return dismiss inside our hook.

function useNPS({ dismissed: defaultDismissed = false, onSubmit, onDismiss }) {
// ...
return [
{ score, scored, dismissed },
{ submit, dismiss },

Hurray! Our React hook is complete! Let's see the full code of our hook;

import { useState } from "react";
function useNPS({ dismissed: defaultDismissed = false, onSubmit, onDismiss }) {
const [dismissed, setDismissed] = useState(defaultDismissed);
const [score, setScore] = useState(undefined);
const scored = !!score;
const submit = (score) => {
onSubmit && onSubmit(score);
const dismiss = () => {
onDismiss && onDismiss({ scored, score });
return [
{ score, scored, dismissed },
{ submit, dismiss },

Using our React hook

Next steps might be to bundle this and publish to NPM 😍