
Over the last few years I've been working closely with a lot of companies embracing headless commerce, headless APIs, and the Jamstack.

I'm currently working with GraphCMS leading the Developer Relations team. I spend most of my days writing documentation, working as a marketing engineer, speaking with customers, maintaining SDKs, and working with the community.

When I'm not working, you'll find me downtown Verdansk.

Side projects

  • Headless Dropshipping Launch your own dropshipping store with Next.js, Printful, and Snipcart
  • A GraphQL focused video tutorial site.
  • CartQL A GraphQL Shopping Cart API that works with your existing product inventory
  • GraphiQLBin Save and share your GraphQL queries with this hosted GraphiQL
  • Headless Commerce Resources A community curated list of commerce products, services, and agencies
  • awesome-headless-commerce The same as above, but on GitHub for devs.
  • Build Your DXP A a community-curated catalog of services that power today's Digital Experience Platforms
  • JamtackBB Simple forum software powered by Next.js, GraphQL and Hasura

Previous side projects

  • JAMCommerce Radio A podcast for developers and marketers with an interest in commerce
  • Dev on the Tyne My personal podcast about tech, gaming and more, with friend, and colleague Jonathan Steele

Want to collaborate on something? I'm always looking to learn, teach, and build.